Price List
*Hem Pants $12〜
with Lined add $5 〜
Machine Stitched Hem $10
*Skirts $15〜
with Lined add $5〜
Above Prices for Skirt flare up to 54 inches
Add $1.00 for machine stitch, or $2.00 for hand-stitch, for each additional 3 inches in flare
*Change New Zippers $18〜
Plus cost of zipper
*Relining $20〜
Plus cost of material
*Shorten Sleeves $8〜
*Taper Side $15〜
*Shorten Jacket $30〜
*Take in Waists $15 〜
*Attach Leather Patches $20〜
*Lower Collar $50〜
*Shorten Collar $50〜
*Narrow Shoulders $30〜